丰江蓄电池HGL24-12 12V24AH通信系统
丰江蓄电池HGL24-12 12V24AH通信系统
友情提示:最近假电池在市场活动猖獗,假电池由于生产技术质量等不达标,会对您的设备造成不可估量的损坏直接影响电源负载等设备寿命,另外放电不均匀,还会对一些机密仪表仪器造成不同程度的损害,有时甚至会发生爆炸,造成不堪设想的后果,所以采购电池时 要注意!!!!买电池不是买的便宜而是质量,不怕货比货就怕您拿假电池的价格和原厂 价格相比,在我公司购买电池我公司可以为您提供电池的原厂证明、厂家指定代理权,望广大客户在购买电池时 要慎重。
CAREER: Sales Manager Business Developer
Fullriver Europe is the European headquarter for the Chinttery factory Fullriver. Fullriver Battery is a Chinese developer and manufacturer of maintenance free lead acid and lithium ion batteries that exceed European quality standards. Because of the successful introduction of the Fullriver batteries in the European market, we want to expand our sales team with a (m/f):
Key responlities: We see many opportunities to break fresh ground in Europe. You will focus on the OEM market for oor cleaning equipment, utility vehicles, material handling equipment, … You will also expand and follow-up on our distribution network for the.