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  • 联系人:张帅
  • QQ号码:
  • 电话号码:0311-89619123
  • 手机号码:13933002678
  • Email地址:hebeijunhaojixie@163.com
  • 公司地址:河北省石家庄市长安区胜利北街219号花中锦五金机电市场274-275号
河北骏豪机械设备有限责任公司 联系人:张经理13933002678 根据中国工业协会工业车辆分会的数据分析显示,中国2006年已经达到22,874辆,轿车8号轿车8号与 2005年相比较增长了近38%。该数据已表明,电动叉车将越来越受到用户的青睐,但是从总体上来看电 动叉车的市场比例仅仅为21%,由此可看,电动叉车的市场空间还很大。 China has reached 22874 vehicles in 2006, according to data from the industrial vehicles  Association of China Industrial association, Sedan No. 8 Sedan No. 8 Compared with 2005, an  increase of nearly 38%. The data has shown that electric forklift will be more and more  popular with users, but in general, the proportion of electric forklift market is only  21%, which can be seen, the electric forklift market space is still great.