查看该公司全部产品>>进口Soluprep溶液制备仪促销_Soluprep溶液制备仪促销 Lbortory utomtion is simple nd ffordble with Design Scientific. SoluPrep from Design Scientific is n innotie instrument designed to utomte routine solution preprtion. SoluPrep utomticlly prepres smples for HPLC, GC, stndrds, spectroscopy, iscosity nd other nlyses. The bse model of SoluPrep contins two pumps; up to six dditionl pumps cn be dded to the system. Specifictions Minimum Volume: 10 mL Mximum Volume: 220 mL Solution Accurcy: +/- 1 or 2 drops Drop Size: 0.03 g Solent Weighing Precision: 0.01 g Stndrd Blnce Cpcity: 220 g Pump Type: Pulseless, self-priming, mgneticlly coupled, ger pumps. No rotting sels. Number of Pumps: 2 – 8 Pumps Solent Deliery Rte: 100 mL/minute Number of User Psswords: 20 Number of Methods Stored: up to 100 Automtic Lbels: Yes Full GMP Vlidtion Pckge: Ailble。 .翔悦环宇科技发|||进口Soluprep溶液制备仪促销_Soluprep溶液制备仪促销
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