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精达动力 出口12PSB喷油泵试验台PJ40油嘴校验器供应商









【产品详情】精达动力 出口12PSB喷油泵试验台PJ40油嘴校验器供应商


喷油泵试验台 高压共轨喷油器试验台PJ40 EPS200 S400喷油嘴校验器生产厂家,12PSB-III model adopts the multi function controller which is support the test bench adjusting speed through the changing frequency.  This kind of controller adopts the advanced Single-chip computer control technology. It can test the oil quantity and display it, and control and display the rotational speed, count control, and temperature display, and adaptive capacity, to adapt to different test bench and different classes control. Increase the unique anti-jamming technology, work reliable and stablity, can adapt to any brand of frequency converter.

8.2 Characteristi and Technical Parameters

1) Save the ten team main motor pre-set rotational speed

2) Switch the rotate speed directly by the digital numbers

3) Fin-turning apiece rotate speed with (+) (-) key at running

4) Input apiece paramters enactment parameter with keyboard

5) Over speed protect

6) Oil temperatur exceed set a limit

7) Auto-modify of rotate speed warp

8) Power expend: ≤20W

9) Control temperature range: 0-99.9℃ ( precision 0.5 ℃)

10)  Measuring speed range: 20-4000r/min

11)  Rotate speed in advance setup: 30-4000r/min

12) Injection oil times: 1000


8.3.1 Normal working

1) Pushing down the counting key, the oil-injection baffle acts and the counting meter displays the count. When the count reaches the preset value, the oil-cutoff baffle is reset automatically.

2) Pusing down the pause key, the oil-cutoff baffle is reset, and when push down the counting button again, the oil-cutoff baffle will recount.

3) Pushing down the positive or negative rotation key, the motor will be started in the positive or negative direction. Push down the stop key the motor will stop running.

 Pushing down the manual/ automation key, the automation convert to maual, you can adjust rotation speed with potentionmeter, pushind down the manual/automation key again, ren

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